Tips for Lowering your Car Insurance Bill When You Add on a Teen Driver

  Now that it’s the beginning of another school year, sixteen and seventeen year olds across the country will be studying up to get their learner’s permit or driver’s license. It is a big step for any teen as a driver’s license means greater independence. However, for parents, it could also mean more worries in terms of making sure they are driving safely. In addition to that, there is also the matter of insuring a teen driver, which could be

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eTags Reviews from September processes thousands of registration renewals in Florida alone each month. September brought a spike in orders and processing, shipping, and customers service teams were working on all gears to get things done. eTags development, marketing, and IT teams have been working hard to continue improvement with the instant renewal option provided in California and expanding into new states like Maryland and Pennsylvania. So far, eTags customers in both serviced states have provided important feedback in September that continues to play a

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